This is your big sister Bella, and she is possibly one of the best big sisters in the whole world.
Scrap that - she is definitely one of the best big sisters in the whole world!
Bella begged us to try for a baby for about three years (although I was not too hard to convince - I had been having dreams about you for many years). She jumped up and down and cried tears of joy when she found out that I was pregnant. She wanted to play nurse-maid all through my pregnancy, rubbing my back and fetching cups of hot chocolate when I couldn't waddle far from the couch.
Bella read all of the pregnancy books and recited them to me word for word (even teaching Daddy a thing or two) and begged to be able to watch birthing video's because she was so desperate to see you being born!
Bella joyfully washed and folded all of your little clothes and cloth nappies with me, wondering what you were going to look like, organising and re-organising my hospital bag, and cooing over all of your tiny little singlets and socks. One day she went over a friend's place, where they were fostering a little baby with a disability and announced 'Mummy wouldn't it be lovely if we had a baby with a disability so that we could love it and take care of it?"... because that is just the kind of person that she is!
When you were born we couldn't stop her crying tears of joy. She didn't want to leave your side, and immediately took over with changing your nappies and rocking you and getting you whatever you needed! There are many times that we need to give her that little kick out of the door (to go and see her friends, go for a sleep-over, be a kid for a while!) because she would be perfectly content to play with you, her little doll, for every moment of every day.
Of all of the people who love you the very most in this world, Bella is definitely one of your number #1 fans
Oh that is so beautiful xx
So sweet! I've always loved the name Bella :)
What an amazing big sister! Layla is a very lucky wee girl!
This just made me teary eyed! What a beautiful bond they have!
I also started young, but I had a space, then 3 close together, then a space when we decided to start over too. Babies are just too wonderful, aren't they?!
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