Friday, 29 June 2012

( Day 210) Photo shoot

At long last Mama was given the most wonderful gift of (wait for it...) a new camera!!! 

One that actually takes photographs that don't need editing, re-editing, cropping and editing again - and takes photographs that almost do its subjects some justice. Oh the possibilities!

Of course that meant that it was time for a photo shoot, and the weather was perfect to take some gorgeous snaps of Nina's brand new crochet baby woolies for her new venture Maria Concetta Designs! (how exciting!). Aside from the fact that we are ever so slightly biased, we are a little bit in love with Nina's designs - hats with pom poms, ever so sooooft wool and bright colours that remind Mama a little bit of fairy floss. You must think that they look yummy too, because you kept pulling them off of your head to munch on! 

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