Thursday 16 February 2012

(Day 76) You sat up!

 Today was one of those days where I have a hundred photo's that I want to post up (but need to choose only one - or in this case, a sequence of them!). 

At almost 11 weeks old, you are the baby who (almost infamously) is referred to as having 'prickles on your back' by Grandma, because you can never be put down without screaming. You just don't seem to like being on your back. 

Or on your belly.

Or in any other position that doesn't involve you being a) kissed b) cuddled c) fed mama's milk d) all of the above

But today changed that! You keep trying to sit up, every time you are in my arms. So today I sat you up in your feeding pillow, and you loved it! You loved it so much that when Daddy tried to lay you down on it, you struggled and manoeuvred until you were back sitting upright. You seem to LOVE sitting up - right where all of the action is. 

At 11 weeks, other things that you really love are:

1) Mummy - oh this one has to be number one!

2) eyeing off Mummy's food (not long now)

3) Mummy and Daddy's bed - you will sleep there longer than anywhere else

4) water - showers, baths, the pool...water instantly calms you

5) music. Aidan plays you foo fighters singing "black bird" by the Beetles and you love it so much that she puts it on 20 times in a row for you

6) your big sister Bella (who probably spends the most time with you, out of everyone apart from Mum)

7) Nonna and Nina - who we also spend heaps of time with at the moment

8) Big bulbous dummies! 

9) Air conditioning! (it is sooooo hot at the moment!)

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